Available Tickets

Guidelines to Purchase Tickets

*** More Events to come Soon ***

Before purchasing your Event tickets, please read our helpful guidelines.

In purchasing your event ticket(s), please make sure you keep the above categories and distinctions in mind. Any person over the age of 12 years is considered an adult. Moreover, adult tickets are differentiated as either member or non-member.

  • Adult vs. Child

    For example, if you are a family of five individuals with 2 adult parents, 2 children ages 12 and 10, and another child age 16, then your family consists of 3 adults and 2 children.

  • Member vs. Non-Member

    If only the 2 parents are members of Shabahang, then the child of age 16 who is not a Shabahang member needs to be counted as a non-member adult. 

    Therefore, to purchase your tickets correctly, you need to buy 2 adult-member tickets, 1 adult-non-member ticket and 2 child tickets.